
Showing posts from August, 2017

Introduction Post

Hello, and welcome to my blog. This first blog will be an introduction of myself and what I want to do with this blog. So let's get started. Here are some random facts about me that are not related to math, but are important parts of who I am. I grew up most of my life in Canada, but I did in fact spend six years in Germany, spending some time in kindergarten there, as well as grades 1 and 2. Also, I always like to mention that I am half Dutch - not Deutsch (as in German). Having spent lots of time in Europe I have developed a joy for travelling, and exploring new lands and areas. Some other quick facts about me is that I like to play sports, and follow the major professional leagues such as the NHL and MLB. I actively attend a local church too and hope to be as involved in that as much as possible. Lastly, I have an awesome wife that I have been married to for 2 years. So there we have a little bit about me, so now let's talk about  how I got into Math, and why I want to t...